All the calculations brewer amlucky rummy apkador needs in one app.
The app is compact, ad-free and self-explanatory. Specifically, it includes the following calculations:
On the topic “malt manufacturing”:
- Beer color (EBC)
- quantity of malt
- Original must
- Brewery income
On the topic “water”:
- residual alkalinity
- Water treatment with salts and acids
- Mix with fully desalinated water
- Calculation of water treatment required for a chosen beer style
On the topic “hops”:
- IBU Calculator
- Post-isomerization
- quantity of hops
- Aging of hops (decrease in alpha acid)
On the topic “carbonization”:
- Filling time (“green tubes”)
- Carbonation with glucose/table sugar (also as a solution) or “food”
- Pressure and CO2 calculator
- Calculation of tap pressure
Volume calculation:
- cylindrical and conical containers
- Main casting and secondary casting
- Total volume of puree
- Total amount of seasoning in the pan
Other “calculations”:
- Plato correction for spindle measurements
- Correction of the original must
- Alcohol content and caloric value
- Plato / Brix / Specific Gravity (SG) Conversion
- EBC / SRM / Lovibond conversion (°L)
- Calculation of the refractometer according to the Bonham, Terrill and Novotny models
- Cross mixing
yono rummy